Knitting competition with an e-textile twist!

Join our knitting competition and design and knit a Christmas hat that incorporates led lights and/or sound! (E-textiles are textiles with embedded digital components that include, among other things, circuitry integrated or sewn into the fabric to provide specific functionality.)

Competition rules:

Hats need to be ...

  • an original design
  • knitted from Icelandic wool
  • reference traditional Icelandic handcrafts and Christmas traditions
  • incorporate electronic elements 
  • fit any age group
  • Projects will be judged based on originality, use of e-textiles, craftsmanship, and references to traditional handcrafts and Christmas traditions.
  • Please include images of the knitting process and the story behind your design! 

Deadline for submissions: November 30, 2024. Please send us the orginal hat labelled with an alias, but make sure to include your real name, adress, email and phone number in a sealed envelope labelled with the alias. We will make sure to not share your information with any third parties. 

Please mail your project to: 

Textílmiðstöð Íslands, Jólahúfusamkeppni; Textílmiðstöð Íslands, Árbraut 31, 540 Blönduósi

Winners will be announced on December 12 (the day the first "jólasveinn" arrives in Iceland). The top three hats will be awarded prizes! 

The competition is a collaboration with FabLab Iceland: 

Find more info on e-textiles and free workshops here: