The Textile Center contributes to publications in its areas of expertise.
We collaborate with local municipalities and the regional Tourism Association regarding the writing and translating of materials concerned with cultural tourism and local heritage. Collaborations include Hiking Trails, trail maps for the Northwest region (2017); Between the Mountains and the Sea, an information booklet on the Austur-Húnavatnssýsla district (2014, 2017); bilingual magazine The Iceview (2016 - 2018) and Margt Býr á Norðurlandi vestra, an introduction to artists and craftsmen based in Northwest Iceland (2018).
In 2016, we produced a number of short videos on the Textile Center Residency (now called "Ós") and the region. Since 2017, we publish the annual Ós Residency Catalog, an introduction to the artists staying at the residency and the work created there.