The main studio is situated on the second floor of Kvennaskólinn in a large sunny room with a balcony and view of the sea. Artists have access to a communal 7m long table, large multi-functional sink, and several small working tables.
Equipment that can be found in the main studio also includes:
- 3x sewing machines (model Husquarna / Viking)
- 2x flat iron / ironing board accessible in the main studio
- 2x knitting machine (model Passap Duomatic, 1x Brother KH - old models!)
- 2x spinning wheels
- 1x rigid heddle loom, 60 cm. (La Lervad)
We recommend artists to use the dye studio across the street for felting. It is better suited for messy/wet processes or loud processes that may disturb others with sound. We do not have any needle felting equipment, please bring this with you.

Main studio. Picture: Textile Center.