Fiber Focus

In 2022, Sommerakademiet in Norway and the Icelandic Textile Center Íslands received funding for the project "Fiber Focus - Wool as a shared Cultural heritage and Art" from Kulturdirektoratet Norsk-islandsk kultursammarbejd.

Norway and Iceland have been bound by strong ties for centuries and have many things in common -  sheep and wool, for one. "Fiber Focus" focuses on sharing wool knowledge and stories from the respective countries and as well as wool-working skills. The project starts at the end of March 2023 with craftsmen and scholars from Norway visiting Iceland. In the fall, textile experts from Iceland, including Textile Center staff members, will then teach wool work in Norway.

Online presentations are also part of the project. On March 30, Tone Barnug, textile designer at Innvik Wool Factory will present the lecture “Wool, always on my mind - from fleece to fabric” (12:10 - 13:00) online. The link will be posted on the Textile Center's Facebook page!