Þráðaþon - Idea Workshop

The Textile Center collaborates with "Þráðaþon" January 5-6, 2024.

What's New?

Here's our newsletter, autumn 2023 edition. Sign up for the emailed version below.

Tracks4Crafts in Italy

The first Tracks4Crafts workshop with pilots was held in Florence.

Focus Group: Fab City Hubs

Join us for the next and final CENTRINNO Focus Group workshop!

"Common Thread" - Residency Exhibition

This upcoming Wednesday : )

Wool in the North

Take a look at the videos on our Youtube channel!

TextileLab Open House & Tufting workshop

Come tuft with us on Saturday, October 14, 13:00 - 16:00


The final consortium meeting was held September 25 - 28.

Going North!

Welcome to our September artist in residency exhibition next Saturday.

WoolWorlds // Ullarheimar

Welcome to a cosy, wool-themed evening with Lottozero.